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Holi festival celebrating in Mathura - 2023

21, Jan 2023

Mathura is a city located in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, and is considered one of the seven most sacred cities in Hinduism. It is particularly famous for its association with Lord Krishna and the celebration of the Holi festival.

The Holi festival, also known as the "festival of colors," is celebrated every year on the full moon day of the Hindu lunar month of Phalguna (February/March). It marks the victory of good over evil and the arrival of spring.

Mathura is considered one of the most important places to celebrate Holi as it is believed to be the birthplace of Lord Krishna. The celebration of Holi in Mathura is a grand affair and attracts a large number of tourists and devotees from all over the country.

During the festival, people play with colored powders and water, and smear each other with colored powders. Traditional sweets and delicacies such as gujiya, dahi bhalla, and thandai are also prepared and distributed among the people.

In Mathura, the Holi festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm, and the streets are filled with music, dance, and colorful processions. The main attraction of the festival is the Lathmar Holi, where women playfully beat men with sticks and the men try to protect themselves with shields.

In addition, there are also several other cultural programs and religious ceremonies that are held in Mathura during the Holi festival, such as the Raslila, a traditional performance depicting the life and pastimes of Lord Krishna.

Overall, Mathura is an important destination for people looking for a cultural experience, especially during the Holi festival, and is a perfect destination for tourists who want to experience the rich culture, history and traditions of India.

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